Albanian investigative TV show "STOP" has come under fire following calls to violence by its host and other content deemed...
Over the weekend, I mistakenly spent quite a lot of time on Twitter, observing an unfolding drama. The issue centered...
The Albanian Media Council has issued a statement on the way in which the media has handled the recent debates...
The following article contains triggering language and mentions of anti-LGBTIQ slurs. The Norweigan Helsinki Committee has called on the Albanian...
Albanian human rights media portal, Historia Ime has penned an open letter to domestic media, calling for an end to...
Six "No Hate" Ambassadors have been appointed as part of the "Block the hatred. Share the love!" campaign spearheaded by...
The European Union and the Council of Europe have launched a new campaign to fight hate speech in the Western...
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) established by the Council of Europe has raised concerns over a number...
A study presented yesterday in Tirana shows that Albanian political parties are not against LGBTI rights and equality, but are...
Based on a project to monitor the Albanian media during the months leading up to the elections, LGBTI rights organizations Pro...