Prime Minister Edi Rama's main focus during this election campaign is to blame everything wrong with his 4 years in...

Prime Minister Edi Rama's main focus during this election campaign is to blame everything wrong with his 4 years in...
Yesterday, the Central Election Commission (KQZ) voted in favor of redistributing the positions in the vote counting groups (GNV), by...
President-Elect Ilir Meta has made it clear that he will use his function as President, which he will take up...
Former LSI leader and President-Elect Ilir Meta spoke yesterday evening with journalist Roland Qafoku, making severe accusations at the address...
Speaker of Parliament, President-Elect, and former LSI leader Ilir Meta was invited yesterday evening in Studio e Hapur of Eni...
Ilir Meta is the man who has directly or indirectly determined the outcome of all political elections since 2005, through...
With the boycott of the elections by the opposition, it is basically a given that the PS will secure at...
Invited by journalist Blendi Fevziu in Opinion, President-Elect Ilir Meta denied that it was intention to become President. Meta was...
The election of Ilir Meta as president reminds us yet again of Rama's dictum "You haven't seen anything yet," which...
President-Elect Ilir Meta has resigned from his function as the leader of the LSI. His resignation comes after he already...