Justice Minister Ylli Manjani (LSI) talked last evening to Sokol Balla about the future of the ruling government coalition, drug cultivation, and the...

Justice Minister Ylli Manjani (LSI) talked last evening to Sokol Balla about the future of the ruling government coalition, drug cultivation, and the...
Yesterday Parliament took a new step in the implementation of the judicial reform, by announcing the beginning of the application...
Today the Constitutional Court has refuted the Democratic Party's (PD) request to cancel the law "For the transitory reassessment of...
As the Constitutional Court is soon expected to give its judgment regarding the constitutionality of the vetting law, government officials...
Yesterday, the Venice Commission published its amicus curiae brief to the Albanian Constitutional Court regarding law no. 84/2016 “For the...
In the coming days, the Venice Commission will give its advice to the Constitutional Court in relation to law no....
In response to allegations from the Democratic Party (PD) that the Euralius mission in Tirana had been responsible for the...
During the last few days there has been a lot of discussion of the "erroneous" English translation of the vetting...
The Constitutional Court has sent the Venice Commission an updated translation of the vetting law. The new version provides a better...
The Prosecution of Tirana has yesterday appealed at the Court of Second Instance against the seven verdicts of the Court of...