During a conference organized by the National Ombudsman concerning violence against women, US Ambassador Donald Lu used to opportunity to attack...
In recent days, Exit has reported about the attempts of the Rama government to unconstitutionally elect a "Temporary General Prosecutor," who...
In late February 2017, when the Democratic Party boycotted Parliament and had installed a tent in front of the Prime...
Yesterday, Mr. Adnor Shameti, a socialist MP, member of the parliamentary Legal Affairs Commission stated: The Legal Affairs Commission will...
Widespread corruption in Albania has been the key term in all the progress reports by the EU and other international...
There appears to be a new political crisis on the horizon with the election of the new General Prosecutor. The...
The Democratic Party has accused Speaker of Parliament Gramoz Ruçi of violating the Constitution in relation to planning election of...
While the government still has not taken up any public position on the successor of General Prosecutor (PP) Adriatik Llalla,...
It appears that the temptation to stand in the media spotlights and become one of well-known internationals insistently commenting on...
After months of delay, the reassessment of judges and prosecutors ("vetting") appears to have started in all earnestness. The three...