Today newspaper Panorama reported that Parliament is discussing the establishment of an Independent Commission for the Coordination, Monitoring, and Following...
The current deadlock in the election of the High Prosecutorial Council (KLP) member from civil society risks resulting in a...
The Democratic Party has accused Speaker of Parliament Gramoz Ruçi of violating the Constitution in relation to planning election of...
During a conference with civil society, US Ambassador Lu accused General Prosecutor Adriatik Llalla of trying to sabotage the judicial...
Mirela Fana, judge in the High Court and recently elected member and chairperson of the Council of Judicial Nominations (KED),...
Today the President organized the lottery for the election of the first members of the Council of Judicial Nominations (KED)....
Parliament has sent President Bujar Nishani the final list of candidates that fulfill the conditions to take part in the lottery to select...