As of today, the state of natural disaster comes to an end. Despite this, a series of measures to stop...
Another video has been published showing Albanian police officers assaulting a citizen. In the clip, several police officers can be...
Several Members of European Parliament have condemned the May 17 demolition of the National Theater and called for an investigation...
As from today, supposedly international flights will resume from Mother Teresa Airport in Albania. Only EU citizens and those with...
Edmond Budina, one of the leading National Theatre activists has said he will sue the Albanian government for violating his...
European media that criticised Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s COVID-190 state of emergency have been asked to apologise by Hungarian...
The weaving of wool, silk, and cotton has been an integral and fundamental part of Albanian ethnography. Thick woollen rugs...
When the European Commission decided to open negotiations with Albania for EU accession, it noted that there are 15 conditions...
The Municipalities of Polican, Patos, Shkrapar and Roskovec have the highest number of citizens who are happy with the work...