From: Exit News
Two Charged over Assassination Attempt against Prosecutor in 2019 

Two people have been charged for the assassination attempt against prosecutor Arjan Ndoja in November 2019, in which his driver Andi Maloku was killed.

Prosecutors filed 7 charges against Redjan Rraja and Ariol Halilaj, the Special Anti-Corruption and Organized Crime Prosecution (SPAK) announced on Thursday. 

They added that investigations will continue to find out other perpetrators involved in the crime.

Prosecutor Arjan Ndoja was wounded on 1 November 2019. He was shot from another car while driving on the Tirana-Durrës road. 

Ndoja was travelling with his driver and Aleksander Laho, a person with a criminal past. They were all wounded during the attack, and Ariol Halilaj died in hospital.