From: Exit News
EU and US Ambassadors to Albania Warn against Derailing the Justice Reform

The EU and US ambassadors to Albania have warned against derailing the justice reform in the country.

On Sunday evening, US Ambassador Yuri Kim warned against “a back-room deal to kill justice reform”. She wrote that the reform must go on, despite it being imperfect:

EU Ambassador Luigi Soreca also tweeted shortly after about the need to not open fundamental issues regarding the reform, but to enhance its efficiency.



Prime Minister Edi Rama replied to US ambassador’s tweet with a Shakespeare quote: “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”

The Democratic Party leader Lulzim Basha replied to both ambassadors with the same message:

In the last two days, Ambassador Kim has met with Prime Minister Edi Rama, Democratic Party leader Lulzim Basha, and President Ilir Meta.

It remains unclear what the “rumors” are but the issue has quickly pushed the most important ambassadors and political leaders of Albania to Twitter this evening.

Basha’s message seems to give a possible glimpse into alleged planned changes to justice reform laws by the current parliament. However, the issue remains unclear.