In a video published on its Facebook page, the US Embassy in Tirana has warned that it is planning to declare more corrupt Albanian officials persona non grata in the US under Section 7031(c) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Act. The Section gives the US Secretary of State the power to implement a lifelong ban on entering the US for corrupt officials.
The Department of State has recently started to use its authority of 7031(c) against current and former corrupt Albanian officials. More cases are coming. The US continue to open their doors to public officials with ethics, honor, and responsibility. Current and former corrupt officials should know that they and their family members run the risk of losing the privilege of entering the US in the future.
The list has a public and private component. The public 7031(c) list currently features former General prosecutor Adriatik Llalla, Deputy Tom Doshi (PSD), and former Durrës mayor Vangjush Dako (PS) and their immediate family. 11 other Albanians are on the private list. The list includes around 100 persons in total.