The United States’ support for Albania’s fight against COVID-19 has reached $2 million, as part of the country’s planned $4 billion support on the COVAX program aimed at ensuring distribution of vaccines worldwide.
“To date, US government COVID-19 assistance to Albania has amounted to more than $2 million,” the US Embassy informed on Sunday in a series of Twitter posts.
The US has so far allocated half of the pledged $ 4 billion for the COVAX program.
“This amount includes assistance in capacity building and strengthening of infrastructure, donation of COVID test kits, control & prevention equipment, providing transportation for contact tracing teams, donating personal protective equipment to border police, delivering US-made ventilators & much more”.
With the onset of the pandemic, on March 27 last year, the US government donated $700,000 to Albania for the improvement of laboratories, the case tracking system, the support of technical experts, etc.
On April 16, it approved an additional fund of 1.2 million, for the same purpose, while on June 17, 2020, USAID donated another $ 346 thousand.
On April 9 and again on July 31, 2020 the US donated a number of personal protection equipment for medical staff to Albania, as part of the US European Command Humanitarian Assistance program.
On June 19, the US government donated 3,500 Covd-19 tests to the Public Service Institute, and in November 2020, USAID donated 200 US-made respirators.