Vetting Commission Confirms Constitutional Court Candidate Despite Issues

The Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) confirmed Elsa Toska despite several issues with her asset declaration. Toska is a candidate to the Constitutional Court, and currently a legal advisor at the same court.

In today’s hearing session Toska was presented with the negative findings of a report by the High Inspectorate of the Declaration and Audit of Assets and Conflict of Interest (ILDKPKI).

The report found that Toska had made incorrect and false declarations, and had hidden her assets. She had failed to declare €14 thousand, which she claimed came from her husband’s business closure.

Toska had also failed to declare € 9,500 she had lent to her husband’s business, which she claimed was returned to her, again without being declared. She claimed the transactions happened in the family and she didn’t have to declare them.

The vetting commission also found that Toska didn’t declare a car allegedly received as a donation by her sister-in-law, which she later sold and again failed to declare it. Toska was not able to justify her income from several projects too.

The KPK body issuing the verdict included Valbona Sanxhaktari, Genta Tafa (Bungo) and Lulzim Hamitaj.