From: Exit Staff
WHO: ‘The Pandemic Is Accelerating’

In Germany, 4764 cases of Coronavirus have been confirmed in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 27, 426. This was announced by the Robert Koch Institute for Infectious Diseases. There were also 28 more casualties, bringing the total death toll to 114.

In Greece, the number of infected has risen to 695 according to Health Ministry spokesperson Sotiris Tsoridas. A total of 17 deaths were recorded with the average age being 76-years-old. Tsoridas said there were between 8,000 and 10,000 infected in the country.

Turkey registered seven deaths in the last 24 hours and 293 additional cases. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said that in 24 hours, some 3,672 tests were carried out, 293 of which were positive. He warned young people to stay at home and “slow down their social life” to avoid transmitting the dangerous disease. The total number of patients diagnosed with Coronavirus in the country stands at 1,529 with a total of 37 deaths.

The government of North Macedonia has taken a different approach to curfews, designating times of movement dependent on age.

Under the new rules, those over the age of 67 are allowed to move between 5 am and 11 am each day. Anyone over the age of 18 but under 67 is able to move each day between noon and 9 pm. Outside of these times, no one is allowed onto the streets.

The government took this decision to ensure that young people, those that mainly carry the virus, do not encounter the age group that are considered most vulnerable.

As of last night, Italy reported 602 deaths in the previous 24 hours bringing the overall death toll to 6,077. The total number of cases in the country has risen to almost 64,000 and Saturday saw the highest number of deaths so far, with 793 in just 24 hours.

In the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson ordered a nationwide lockdown as the total number of cases rose of 6,650 with 54 deaths. 

Around 540 have died in the United States with over 42,600 cases reported.

To date, more than 15,400 people have died globally from the virus and some 100,000 out of over 381,000 cases have recovered.

World Health Organisation Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that “the pandemic is accelerating” after hitting 100,000 cases in 67 days, 200,000 cases in 11 days and 300,000 in just four days.