Video: The Memory Files: The Story of Tefik Sfiri

Video: The Memory Files: The Story of Tefik Sfiri

All of the stories we have shown you so far have been different in various ways. But the one thing, sewing them all together with a black and unbreakable thread, is the pain felt by not being able to retrieve their loved ones’ remains. Being able to retrieve their bones, lay them to rest, and give them the funeral they deserve is of great importance to these families. Not being able to do this leaves them with a gaping wound that will not heal.

Not only do they suffer from the unknown, but they feel they have failed or are prevented from giving their ancestors the dignity they deserve. They have searched, asked questions, looked to international organisations for help, and even tried to retrieve them themselves, but obstacles are put in their way every time. Albania is home to generations of people who will never know what happened to their loved ones or where their bodies lie.

In the fourth episode of the memory files, we will hear a story that demonstrates this anguish and paints a horrifying picture of the persecution people faced during these years. When you begin to understand how the communist party treated people and how a lack of justice impacts them today, you know that while the regime has fallen, its brutal legacy continues in the minds and lives of the people to this very day.


In loving memory of Tefik Sfiri. With thanks to the Sfiri / Velaj family. Project Funded by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

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