Americans Don’t Know How Much Albanians Love Them

Albania is one of the most pro-American states in the world and considers the United States as its biggest ally, but it seems that Americans, on the other hand, have no special place for Albania. Or better, it may be said that Americans do not know whether Albania is friendly with them or not.

An survey from last week, measuring the level of friendliness Americans felt from other counties, ranked Albania on the 76th place among 144 countries in the list. The survey conducted by YouGov, the biggest international internet-based opinion polling firm, asked 7150 Americans to evaluate 144 places on whether they were friends or enemies of the United States. They were instructed to scale the countries as ally, friend, not sure, unfriendly, or enemy.

5% of those surveyed declared that they considered Albania an enemy of the USA, 11% an unfriendly country, 33% a friendly country, while only 3% consider it an ally. 48% or around half of those surveyed are not sure whether Albania is a friend or an enemy of the USA.

Canada is ranked as America’s best friend: 87% consider it an ally or friendly country, followed by Australia with 83% and United Kingdom and Ireland with 80% each.

The place considered least friendly is North Korea with 73% of those surveyed ranking it as enemy or unfriendly country, followed by Iran with 72% and Syria with 64%.