The debate about the increase in the water price in Tirana, despite the illegal approval of the Municipal Council, continues...

The debate about the increase in the water price in Tirana, despite the illegal approval of the Municipal Council, continues...
The State Supreme Audit Institution (KLSh) has filed a criminal lawsuit at the prosecution against the Director of the Psychiatric...
The Ministry of Economic Development, Trade, and Entrepreneurship has announced the winner of the concession for the construction, development, maintenance,...
According to the Italian newspaper La Gazzeta di Mezzogiorno, Chairman of the Regional Council of Puglia, Michele Emiliano, has proposed...
The State Supreme Audit Institution (KLSh) has published its auditing report for the first semester of 2017. Its audit of a number of state institutions, covering 2014–2016,...
A year ago, Tirana Mayor Erion Veliaj declared that he was in discussion with a Chinese company to privatize the...
In its half-year report of 2017, the Ministry of Finance claims that public debt has fallen to 66.82% of the...
The Municipal Council of Tirana is expected to approve on Wednesday a €60 million scheme to give out concessions for...
The Bushtrica river, one of the two rivers that are usable for rafting in Albania, will be destroyed as a...
Everywhere Prime Minister Edi Rama or one of his ministers goes to speak, whether in official capacity or at a...