Bundestag member Thorsten Frei, who is also CDU’s reporter for Albania, has stated his doubts regarding the Rama government’s special...
Today, Kosovar police arrested ten activists from the Vetëvendosja, among them MP Saranda Bogujevci, after they threw paint at the...
In the first half of 2018, the Rama government has spent more than €40 million on furnishing and renovating its...
In a letter sent to the Alliance for the Protection of the Theater (AMT) by Director of the Directorate Western...
The Albanian Municipalities Association, headed by Shkodra mayor Voltana Ademi, has asked President Ilir Meta not to sign the law...
Via decision no. 406, dated July 4, the government has approved the transferral of ownership of the 25 thousand square...
The European Commission has asked the Rama government for clarifications regarding the reasons for the passing of a special law...
Besides the authorization to negotiate with Greece, the draft law for the National Theater seems to be the most challenging...
In discussion with the press on Friday, opposition leader Lulzim Basha warned the private company Fusha shpk that it would...
Although the head of the Central Immovable Asset Registration Office Valdrin Pjetri refused to make public any data regarding the...