Under dubious circumstances, the Municipal Council of Tirana approved yesterday two proposals which have raised considerable concern among the public:...
Mayor of Tirana Erion Veliaj has decided to double the water price for families living in Tirana. This is a...
The law "Regarding whistleblowing and the protection of whistleblowers" that was approved by Parliament last year will take effect this...
Although the PS won a majority of 74 out of 140 seats in Parliament, allowing it to govern alone for...
Tonight at 23:59 the electoral campaign will end officially. Until the closing of the voting centers on Sunday, 19:00, there...
The implementation of the judicial reform and the creation recently of the vetting institutions will bring significant budget increases as...
This weekend, the Albanian Parliament approved the 27 members of the vetting institutions, the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK), the Appeals College...
The LSI has filed a complaint at the Electoral College against a decision of the Central Election Commission (KQZ) to...
Despite adopting a new masterplan for Tirana supervised by Italian architect Stefano Boeri, which was approved on April 4 by the National...
Recently, Parliament passed several amendments to the Penal Code to increase the penalties on vote buying and using mobile phones...