It’s 2019 and yet Tirana is still plagued by water shortages and power cuts, particularly during the summer months. Living...
An OSCE-ODIHR spokesperson has confirmed to Exit that they have not been invited to observe the October 13 local elections...
The Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) has published its second quarterly report on birth rate and natural increase in Albanian population,...
The Albanian Helsinki Committee (KShH) has published its final report on the June 30 local elections. The conclusions cast a...
In 2016, factions within the Turkish armed forces attempted a coup against the government and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Citing erosion of...
Professor David Phillips has argued that the Albanian authorities have raised the Tirana Lake Park memorial commemorating the victims of...
Only recently, chief of the International Monitoring Operation (ONM) Genoveva Ruiz Calavera stated that any criticism of the work of...
Keeping up with the debunked and absurdist claims that there will be a Constitutional Court "soon," the US Embassy has...
On Tuesday, the opposition Democratic Party (PD) published an Italian police document allegedly showing that Shkodër Mayor-elect Valdrin Pjetri was...
Writer Fatos Lubonja has criticized the justice reform in Albania, and argued that Prime Minister Edi Rama controls it. “The...