On Monday, President Meta rejected Minister of Education Besa Shahini’s proposal to dismiss University of Tirana Rector Mynyr Koni. The...

On Monday, President Meta rejected Minister of Education Besa Shahini’s proposal to dismiss University of Tirana Rector Mynyr Koni. The...
The government and politics are the biggest threat to freedom of expression and media freedom in Albania, according to a...
Second lieutenant Zarife Hasanaj died after a mine exploded in a NATO base in Latvia today. Major Klodian Tanushi and...
On May 8-9th, President Ilir Meta will hosts the seventh Summit of the Brdo-Brijuni Process in Tirana. This year’s summit...
Investment opportunities throughout the Western Balkans will be one of the main topics covered in the annual meeting of the...
Today marks World Press Freedom Day, as proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993. Since then, the 3...
Yesterday, Albania’s united opposition presented their requirements for a transitional government, as well as the conditions they want to be...
The Head of Serious Crimes Prosecution Donika Prela’s confirmation in duty by the vetting commission will be re-assessed by the...
The daughter of Admir Murataj has filed a lawsuit against the State Police for his murder following the airport heist...
Prime Minister Edi Rama stated today that the decision for opening accession negotiations between Albania and EU will not be...