In August 2018, a three-year-old boy named Kindergarten Director Nashi Shehapi as his abuser and someone who had beaten him...
The two people accused by the Prosecution Office of being responsible for the death of 17-year-old Ardit Gjoklaj have been...
Mobike, the station-less bicycle-sharing company, has started to impose fines for wrong parking of bicycles in Tirana starting from January....
Today, several students interrupted and blamed Mayor Erion Veliaj for the death of the 17-year-old Ardit Gjoklaj, who died in...
Tirana has been ranked as one of the most polluted cities in the world, ranking 38th out of 294 entries. The...
One in three tenders held by the Municipality of Tirana in 2018 had issues related to competition, particularly regarding compliance with anti-corruption...
Dunwell Haberman (DH) Albania won a €12 million tender of the Transmission System Operator (OST). published the tender documents. DH...
Last week Mayor Veliaj visited the Pira family, one of the many affected by the redevelopment of the Outer Ring...
Today the National Inspectorate for Territory Protection (IKTM) started yet another operation for demolishing houses as part of the Outer...
Yesterday citizens in Shkoza, a neighborhood in the south of Tirana, clashed with police and officers of the National Inspectorate...