Albania was ordered to pay €110 million to Italian businessman Francesco Becchetti following the “politically motivated” government closure of his...

Albania was ordered to pay €110 million to Italian businessman Francesco Becchetti following the “politically motivated” government closure of his...
It appears that the tunnel vision of the international diplomats in Tirana is becoming ever narrower. While in recent weeks US...
TransAtlantic Petroleum Oil company TransAtlantic Petroleum has sued the Albanian state at the International Court of Arbitrage in Switzerland. The...
Many years ago, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Bank of Investment (EBI), the World Bank,...
According to Monitor, the former investment fund Anglo-Adriatike, which the Albanian government selected in May 1996 to invest the privatization...
Several payments have been made on account of the international law firm Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co, Albania's legal representative...
The Albanian government will pay about 1.2 million euro and 125,000 US dollars to Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co LLP,...