The Special Chambers Panel has upheld the KPC decision to expel former Durrës Appellate Judge Petraq Dhimitri from the justice...
The Special Appeals Chamber (KPA) confirmed Prosecutor Elvin Gokaj in office on Wednesday, rejecting a complaint by the Public Commissioner...
Magistrates who have been dismissed by a final decision of the vetting bodies will lose the lawyer's license for five...
The head of the Socialist Party. parliamentary group, Taulant Balla, said the government would invest $ 53m in justice reform...
The High Prosecution Council will appoint the heads of the prosecution offices without them going through the vetting process. In...
The vetting process has been slow and non-transparent. These are two of the findings reported by the Albanian Helsinki Committee related to...
The fake "Force of Law" meets the new "Force of Law." That would be one way to describe the recent...
The Independent Qualifications Commission has confirmed the incumbent Judge of the Court against Corruption and Organized Crime Flora Hajredinaj. Hajredinaj...
Justice reform is stalling instead of being a success story that would clean up the Albanian judiciary and immediately open...
The Justice for Justice Association has called statements made by the head of the IOM Genoveva Ruiz Calvera and Commissioner...