In July, on the heels of his reelection as Prime Minister, Edi Rama published a "black list" on his Facebook...

In July, on the heels of his reelection as Prime Minister, Edi Rama published a "black list" on his Facebook...
The EU Delegation in Albania has rented a bus and has embarked on its own "press trip" throughout Albania to highlight...
In July, outgoing Minister of State for Innovation and Public Administration Milena Harito announced that the public administration didn't work properly...
According to an independent study by scholars Fabian Zhilla and Besfort Lamallari, Albanian criminal groups are becoming ever more sophisticated...
In Albania, maybe like everywhere else, polemics arise immediately after every tragedy or catastrophe. Also this time, when after two days...
The Court of Tirana has acquitted journalist, director, and activist Artan Rama in a lawsuit filed by construction company Edil...
EU Ambassador Romana Vlahutin is scheduled to leave her position by the end of August next year, as was confirmed...
The articles recently published in the Dutch media about the rise in the criminal activity of Albanian groups in the...
Exit | In response to a freedom of information request, the European External Action Service (EEAS) has confirmed that EU...
Former Deputy Minister of Interior Affairs Elona Gjebrea is expected to testify today about her contacts with the criminal organization...