The publication of the dossier full with wiretaps of the brothers Habilaj has immediately created doubts that the war between...

The publication of the dossier full with wiretaps of the brothers Habilaj has immediately created doubts that the war between... | In September 2015, Prime Minister Edi Rama held a propagandistic conference in the Palace of Congresses in which...
Family ties tell a lot. Especially with a former minister – discharged since March – controversial and often accused in...
The PD, LSI, and other opposition parties demand Prime Minister Edi Rama to step down because of the worrying increase...
Minister of Interior Fatmir Xhafaj has refused to make any official declaration regarding the drug-trafficking scandal involving bribes allegedly paid...
In the police dossier deposited at the Court of Catania about the criminal activities of Moisi Habilaj and his Albanian...
In a press statement yesterday afternoon, former Minister of Interior Affairs and current PS deputy Saimir Tahiri has denied all...
Caught in the firestorm of the revelations surrounding the relations between Moisi Habilaj, arrested yesterday by the Guardia di Finanza...
Opposition leader Lulzim Basha has demanded the arrest of form Minister of Interior Saimir Tahiri be arrested for his involvement with...
This weekend Prime Minister Edi Rama has set a record for the time spent talking live on television with "ordinary...