While the country is recovering from a series of wildfires and the primitive means of the government that failed to...
The forests are in ashes from the fires while the fields are nothing but dust from the absence of irrigation...
In an article from a few days ago, former Director of the Border Patrol at the State Police Pëllumb Nako...
After a lot of empty banter the major parties are preparing themselves to face their tasks in the new parliamentary...
A lot has been said about Kamza, especially in Tirana. But as often happens in the media and our public...
Over the last few days, Prime Minister Edi Rama has started to publish the "reports" resulting from his meetings with...
While the city was waiting for a party meeting with our Driver–Prime Minister and his talk with the "common people"...
Just 15 km outside Tirana, Albania's capital city, more than 3 thousand families are surrounded by flames. It is a...
Recently, Prime Minister Edi Rama has started an advertisement campaign for the European public. While in Albania is consolidating his...
On several social media websites, Albanian citizens have noticed that the Facebook page of Mayor Erion Veliaj, which features an...