Prosperity Index: Albania in the Nether Regions of Europe

According to the Prosperity Index 2016 of the Legatum Institute, a public policy think-tank established in London, Albania ranks lowest in Europe as regards economic quality and the natural environment.

Albania is currently ranked 74th out of 149 countries evaluated worldwide, but according to the report is at risk of falling lower over the coming years.

According to the website of the Legatum Institute, “The Prosperity Index is the only global index that measures national prosperity based on both wealth and wellbeing (objective and subjective data). The Index seeks to redefine the concept of national prosperity to include, as a matter of fundamental importance, factors such as democratic governance, entrepreneurial opportunity, and social cohesion.”

Economic Quality

Albania is ranked 107th as regards economic quality, and last in Europe. The report emphasizes that level of unemployment is high. Foreign investments are lacking owing to weak infrastructure and the high level of corruption. Albania’s rank in economical quality has been dropping steeply since 2013, the year the Rama government took power.

Natural Environment

The ranking for natural environment is equally low, only slightly higher than Moldova. This is the most negative indicator for Albania, measuring the quality of the environment, air, and the commitment of the government to protecting the environment.