The Serious Crimes Appeals Court has ruled for the second time in favor of Saimir Tahiri, who has been released...
Today the Serious Crimes Appeals Court will rule on the appeal filed by both former Minister of Interior Affairs Saimir...
On May 28, at 13:00, the Appeals Court will review the appeal of former Minister of Interior Affairs Saimir Tahiri...
The Serious Crimes Prosecution Office has appealed the Serious Crimes Court of First Instance's decision to allow former Minister of...
The procedures leading to former Minister of Interior Affairs Saimir Tahiri’s arrest have unearthed new details of the former Minister’s...
The prosecutor of former Minister of the Interior Saimir Tahiri’s case, Besim Hajdarmataj, voiced today suspicions that there may have...
The Court of Serious Crimes has decided former Minister of Interior Affairs Saimir Tahiri will remain under house arrest, dismissing...
The Court of Serious Crimes has decided to place former Minister of Interior Saimir Tahiri under house arrest. Tahiri has been...
Today Temporary General Prosecutor Arta Marku dismissed Serious Crimes Prosecutor Besim Hajdarmataj without giving any formal reason. Donika Prela, previously the...
Former Minister of Interior Affairs Saimir Tahiri , who recently declared publicly that he would no longer be using the protection...