Minister of Health Ogerta Manastirliu has published film footage of coronavirus patients hospitalized at Covid2 Hospital in Tirana.
The video shows the high influx of patients hospitalized in crowded halls and the doctors who, equipped with protective clothing, are taking care of them.
📍SPITALI “Shefqet Ndroqi” PA KOMENT!#VendoseMaskën#RuajDistancimin#KujdesuPërHigjienënMos rreziko jetën tënde dhe…
Gepostet von Ogerta Manastirliu am Freitag, 14. August 2020
The Head of the Pneumology Service, Silvana Bala, called on citizens to be careful and not to underestimate the virus as it is difficult to deal with. She said there have been plenty of healthy patients who have ended up with their life being threatened by the virus.
Minister Manastirliu also asked the citizens to implement the recommended measures and help the doctors who are sacrificing themselves each day to try and defeat the virus.