Five mass graves have been found as the excavation continues in Serbia’s southwestern town, Kizevak where human remains believed to be of victims of the war in Kosovo were found.
The director of Kosovo’s Forensic Institute, Arsim Gerxhaliu confirmed for Exit News that teams are still working, but did not give details on how many bodies are found so far.
“Five mass graves have been found so far. We are finding mortal remains and we will continue working as long as the weather conditions allow us,” Gerxhaliu said.
Kosovo’s Government Commission for Missing Persons, visited the location on Friday.
Excavation in Kizevak, near the bordering town with Kosovo, Raska started in 2015 by both Kosovo and Serbia teams, but they were intensified in the last weeks after mortal remains were confirmed on November 16.
The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) explained that the identification of the exact location where the human remains were found in Serbia, was possible through aerial images from 1999.
The International Committee of the Red Cross made the aerial images from 1999 available to the Kosovo Government Commission on Missing Persons and the Serbian Government Commission on Missing Persons at the end of 2019.
Over 1600 people are still listed as missing since the end of the war in Kosovo in 1999.