Yesterday, Jozefina Topalli attacked Lulzim Basha, after he had a meeting with the recently elected Democrat deputies. Topalli is angry because officially the deputies are still those from the old legislature, including herself, whereas the recently elected deputies will become such after they take their oath in front of the Assembly during the first week of September.
In a Facebook post she writes: “Oh time, thou runnest faster than my nightmare” (Moj kohë, rend më shpejt se tmerri im) – written underneath her picture where she is looking up, apparently looking at God, Mrs Topalli throws a heap of attacks against Mr Basha, and concludes:
He who wouldn’t gather the parliamentary group when required by the statutes, when sought by time and the deputies that called him worriedly not to throw the PD to the abyss (as happened exactly as we we warned him), today he is composing the list with names of his family members and clients hoping that this time around he will escape the angst of manipulation and the fake participation on July 22, and the catastrophic results when missing 230 thousand votes from June 25.
Same as Macbeth, when he whispers: “Oh time, thou runnest faster than my nightmare.”
Topalli has quoted Macbeth because of the great strengths that these Shakespearean words hold and also to openly show her intellectual capacities.
Using Shakespeare’s words, she meant to say that Lulzim Basha cannot find an escape from his actions and the angst caused by them, because according Topalli’s interpretation of Macbeth, time cannot heal the terror of anxiety that he is feeling.
Wrong! Macbeth’s words actually hold a different meaning than the one she pretends they do. Or, maybe, Topalli has not understood their meaning properly. Fan Noli’s translation of these words is not exceptional and does not convey the original clearly, or perhaps she hasn’t read Macbeth at all and is only using the quote from nothing.
In any case, to help Topalli understand the words she has used, I will shortly explain as below.
The quote she has used derives from the beginning of Macbeth’s monologue, at the end of Scene I, Act IV. At this point, Macbeth doesn’t feel any form of remorse, he has no fear and is not experiencing any spiritual suffering. Speaking to himself loudly he says that from now on he must act without thinking, without first reasoning, because reason hinders action. Then, Macbeth says that he will not listen any more to the reason but only to his inner emotional callings and will act however this impulses direct him to.
The original monologue goes like this:
Time, thou anticipatest my dread exploits:
The flighty purpose never is o’ertook
Unless the deed go with it; from this moment
The very firstlings of my heart shall be
The firstlings of my hand. And even now,
To crown my thoughts with acts, be it thought and done:
The castle of Macduff I will surprise…
But Fan Noli translates the first line as follows: Moj kohë, rend më shpejt se tmerri im. “Oh Time, thou runnest faster than my nightmare.”
The context makes it clear that the quote of Macbeth used by Topalli is utterly wrong and perhaps she used it without reading or at least understanding Macbeth. The tmerr as Noli translates “dread exploits” is not the one that is experienced by Macbeth, but rather the one that he is planning.
Note: Exit hereby would like to notify politicians and intellectuals of all kinds and backgrounds that it offers lyrics, comments, and quotes from important fiction and non-fiction literature, quotes from famous people, Latin and ancient phrases, and other circumlocutions that seem to express deep thoughts, sensitive spiritual reflections, as well as poems with various metrics and rhythms, without charge. Write to us with your requests at [email protected]