The Special Appeals Chamber’s (KPA) has received a total of 40 appeals regarding confirmation rulings of the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK). 13 of KPK’s rulings were appealed by the Public Commissioners and the remaining 27 by magistrates affected.
The KPA has ruled on 12 cases so far, while 28 cases are still awaiting a final decision. Whilst it has mainly ruled in confirmation of KPK’s previous rulings, the following cases are exceptions:
– It overturned three of KPK’s decisions to have magistrates who had resigned from the justice system enter the vetting process.
– Following Public Commissioners’ appeal, the KPA also overturned President of High Court Bashkim Dedja’s confirmation in duty by the KPK, and dismissed him.
The KPA rules on appeals brought by the Public Commissioners and magistrates regarding KPK’s rulings. It’s rulings in the vetting process for judges and prosecutors are final.