From: Exit Staff
USA Pledges $1.2 Million to Fight COVID-19 in Albania

The US Embassy in Tirana has pledged $1.2 million in aid to help Albania fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ambassador Yuri Kim made the announcement yesterday via the Embassy Facebook account. She said that the US had already invested $51 million in Albanian healthcare and $693 million in aid over the last 20 years.

🇦🇱 | Qeveria e Shteteve të Bashkuara, përmes USAID-it, ka miratuar fonde shtesë për Shqipërinë në ndihmë të luftës…

Gepostet von U.S. Embassy-Tirana am Freitag, 17. April 2020

The latest financial assistance will come via USAID and will be used to assist in equipping laboratories, increasing detection and tracking abilities, preparing laboratory staff, and improving risk communication.