Ad-Hoc Committee Approves Final List of 68 Vetting Institution Candidates

The first parliamentary ad-hoc committee has published the final list of 68 candidates from which the second and third parliamentary ad-hoc committees will select the 27 members of the three vetting institutions: the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK), the Appeals College (KA), and the two Public Commissioners.

The committee, which consisted of three majority and three opposition deputies, discussed 193 candidates, 67 of which had been both qualified by the National Ombudsman and received a positive recommendation by the International Monitoring Mission (ONM).

Although the committee discussed moving several candidates from the unqualified list to the qualified list, only 1 candidate ended up receiving the necessary 4 out of 6 votes. The final list therefore consists of 68 candidates.

Both the committee members of the PD and LSI criticized the National Ombudsman and ONM about their work. PD deputy Flamur Noka stated:

We saw live that the National Ombudsman had implemented two standards. There were 2 persons that had a clear conflict of interest and which the ONM had qualified, and there were several others in the same circumstances which had been disqualified. That list was completely political.

The second and third parliamentary ad-hoc committees will have select the final vetting institution members before the elections. Parliament will than have to approve all nominees en bloc.