From: Exit Staff
Albania Notes Slight Improvements in World Bank Human Capital Index

According to the Human Capital Index 2020 compiled by The World Bank, a child born today in Albania will achieve 63% of their potential in terms of health and education. This figure is higher than countries of similar economic standing but lower than the European and Central Asian average.

The report looks at whether young people in the surveyed countries are given the opportunities they need to be productive in the future in terms of investment in health and education. The data collection was done prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Albanian children have a 99% chance of surviving until the age of 5 and a 93% chance of surviving into adulthood. They will spend 12.9 years in school, will perform relatively well in test scores, and are generally not stunted at a young age.

The overall score of Albania for its human capital has increased from 0.54 in 2010 to 0.63 in 2020.

In terms of education, Albania has increased its score due to improvements in the quality of education and a one year increase in the length of time children typically spend in school.

“Tese improvements are related to intensive reform efforts over the last decade in Albania, which include policies related to teacher employment and salaries; enrichment of skill-focused curricula; increase access to all levels of education, and a greater focus on inclusive education by caring for students with fewer financial opportunities, ”said Maryam Salim, World Bank Country Manager for Albania.

“However, to increase learning outcomes, spending on education must be increased, especially for programs and policies that improve the quality and equity of education. Given the effects of the current COVID-19 pandemic, policies that minimize learning losses and ensure continuity for all students should be prioritized.”

Unfortunately, the pandemic is jeopardizing the improvements made and it’s likely that the published figures may have diminished due to school closures and health services under pressure.