Albanian Opposition Joins the OSCE-Sponsored Round Table Discussion on Electoral Reform

The opposition will join a round table discussion on the electoral reform on September 25, organized by the OSCE Presence in Albania.

Leaders of the opposition parties decided to attend tomorrow’s conference after a meeting they had today, where they also elected their representatives: Ivi Kaso (PD), Muharrem Caka (LSI) and Arjan Madhi (PR).

Opposition leader Lulzim Basha also met with the head of the OSCE presence Bernd Borchard today to discuss the political crisis in Albania.

The roundtable will also be joined by the parliamentary Committee on Electoral Reform, co-chaired by the Socialist Party MP Damian Gjiknuri and former Democratic Party MP Rudina Hajdari.

The OSCE/ODIHR issued a highly critical report on the June 30 elections held by the ruling Socialist Party in disregard for the President’s degree cancelling the date amidst opposition protests. The report also included recommendations for an electoral reform.

The opposition has denounced Damian Gjiknuri, the current co-chair of the parliamentary Committee for the Electoral Reform as one of the key PS officials involved in the Albanian Electiongate, particularly in rigging the 2016 local elections in Dibër.

Last week Basha stated that while the electoral reform is important, a solution to the political crisis in the country requires much more than that.

The Albanian opposition is asking for Prime Minister Edi Rama to step down, and for a transitional government to hold free and fair early elections. They accuse Rama of vote-rigging, ties to criminal groups, and corruption.