From: Exit News
Albanian President Appoints 7th Constitutional Judge

President Ilir Meta has decreed the appointment of the seventh member of the Constitutional Court, Sonila Bejtja.

Bejtja was the only candidate presented to the President earlier today by the Justice Appointments Council (KED). She will replace former judge Besnik Muçi.

This is the third judge appointed through the same questionable procedure that seems to violate the Constitution and the law on the Constitutional Court, which stipulates that the KED must compile a final list with three candidates and send it to the institution making the appointment. The last three lists had two, one and one candidate, respectively.

None of the institutions involved in the process have commented on the allegation of legal violations.

On Monday, the ambassador of EU and US congratulated Meta, the KED and parliament for the last three appointments within a few days, three years after the court became dysfunctional.

US Ambassador Yuri Kim stated that by acting together with urgency, the three institutions made the court functional before the end of the year. She urged candidates to apply to become members of the Constitutional Court next year, for the two remaining seats to be filled in by the High Court.