From: Exit Staff
Albanian Prime Minister Plants Trees for Turkey in Tirana

Prime Minister Edi Rama planted some trees in Farka Lake on Wednesday, as part of Turkey’s initiative to plant 1,000 trees.

Rama publicly thanked Turkish President Erdogan for the initiative.

According to him, this action is happening simultaneously in several countries of the world in order to enter the Guinness Book of Records:

“This is an organization undertaken by President Erdogan. At the same time, 11 million trees are being planted in the world at the same time. This has entered the Guinness Book of  Records. 

Thank you for this initiative, and the presence of the ambassador. A good friend for Albanians, as is President Ergodan. “

Turkey and Erdogan’s presence grows every stronger in Albania. On Turkey’s republic day, the Turkish Flag was projected on the front of the Tirana University building.

Also yesterday, the Turgat Ozal school filed a criminal complaint against the State Police for several raids conducted on their campuses, while children were there, and without a warrant. It’s claimed they are involved in money laundering, but both independent and state audits said otherwise. You can read more about it here.

Tirana is also home to a memorial for victims of the failed 2016 Turkish coup d’etat. It is a source of controversy not only because it is the only memorial of its type outside Turkey, but because there is no reciprocity in Turkey, and no memorial to Albanian victims of communism in the country.