At least 271 excellence students qualified to be temporarily employed in state administration institutions this year, following the earlier announcement of the call by the Department of Public Administration (DAP).
In the list made public by DAP, the qualified candidates are listed together with the vacant positions where they can potentially be employed according to the selection they make during the presentation. The listing of 271 candidates was made according to a scoring system, ranking from the candidate with the highest number of points to the one with the lowest.
Excellence students began to engage in administration after a decision approved by the government in 2019 which provides for engagement in institutions students in the first or second cycle of higher education studies, with an average grade of 9-10 or equivalent.
According to the decision, state administration institutions conclude temporary work contracts with candidates, according to the list sent by DAP, which respects the compatibility of the level and field of study with the criterion of the level and type of diploma for the relevant job position. The work relations of the candidates, who sign work contracts for the period of 1 year, are regulated based on the provisions of the Labor Code.
The decision determines that at the end of the 1-year contract, concluded according to this decision, those who wish to become part of the civil service will be subject to competition procedures, according to the civil service legislation.
The report of the Commissioner for the Supervision of the Civil Service for the past year reported that about 4410 job positions are part of the civil service system in state administration institutions, in 500 of them, which make up 11.2% of the total number of positions in the civil service reported, were hired, excellence students.