From: Laura Fischer
Animals Lovers of Albania: Helping Strays Find Food and Water in the Summer Heat

I love the quote by Howard Zinn that states “small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world”. But I’ve always felt millions of people was an overstatement. In my humble opinion, even just one small act by one person can affect change.

Take, for example, Plusito Pet Shop’s seemingly-simple act of installing drinking and feeding stations for stray animals. This innovation is affordable (only 10 euros per kit) and aesthetically-pleasing for the community. Created with simple drainage pipes which can then be painted and decorated, they provide regular sources of food or water for stray animals.

Inspired by the idea, Erleta Shala of Lezha Animal Sanctuary and Jenny Hasanaj-Müller of JETA: Tier und Mensch decided to pursue the project and bring more of the stations to more street corners in Albania.

Erleta Shala, a Kosovo refugee who moved to Switzerland when she was younger, started the Lezha Animal Sanctuary project after her parents alerted her to the poisoning of strays in Lezha. Erleta’s family always spent summer holidays in Albania and bought a small apartment there five years ago. Ever since she was little, she knew there was a big problem with animal welfare in Albania, but the images of dead dogs on the street, poisoned by the government, was too much. She emailed the municipality (another seemingly-small act!) and to her great surprise, they responded amicably and agreed to hear more. The result of that one email is a growing partnership that will save many animals in the future, all while helping the citizens of Lezha. Follow her journey on Instagram at!

Erleta is learning from other animal activists working in Albania, including Animals Need Me ( and JETA: Tier und Mensch. According to Erleta, “both have accepted me with a lot of love. I’m learning a lot from them right now.”

Jenny Hasanaj-Müller is also based in Switzerland and created the NGO, JETA: Tier und Mensch after returning to her native Albania for holidays and feeling desperate to do more to help the animals and people there. JTUM’s projects include TNR, maintenance of sites for stray animals who cannot be released for various reasons, feeding of strays, adoptions, emergencies, and so much more that we often report on. JTUM continues to grow and allies, such as Lezha Animal Sanctuary, are most welcome. You can learn more at

The Municipalities of Lezha and Tirana are already on board with the feeding station project. Now, Jenny and Erleta hope to bring the food and water stations to Durrës. Erleta has already bought 20 stations, and hopes to install them around the beach area. Jenny has committed to 40 with intentions of installing in other areas of the city that will best serve the dogs who need it most.

However, the Municipality of Durrës has yet to respond to their request for permission to install these stations. We hope that the municipality will see the value in this request and join the growing alliance committed to serving the animals and people of Albania. Perhaps your small act could be contacting them and telling them you care about the street animals. After all, even the smallest act can make a big difference.

Support Plusito Pet Shop:

If you would like to donate to the project, contact JETA: Tier und Mensch (www. or Lezha Animal Sanctuary (