Anonymous Albania Attacks Raiffeissen Website

On their Facebook page hacker collective Anonymous Albania has claimed to have attacked the Albanian website of Raiffeissen Bank. According to the post:

We just attacked the official website We demand that our requests are fulfilled. DOWN WITH THE GOVERNMENT. For a better state!!

After attacking the website of Eco Tirana, a representative of the group had promised new actions last week in order to “get rid of criminals” in the government:

We want to make a revolution and want to introduce the public to the dark sides of the government. […] Revolution will get rid of criminals. Politicians will do their work, people should have their rights, something that doesn’t happen in Albania. Rights are not respected and we don’t have the freedom to speak openly. […] Our ideology is not to be controlled by this system that has seized us for many years, but to be free.

The group claimed that they would attack any company allied to the government of Prime Minister Edi Rama. Raiffeissen Bank is known as one of the major sponsors of government-organized events.