One of the last remaining villas in the Bllok area of Tirana has been demolished to make way for a new multi-storey building.
The villa was recently home to the Metropolitan University for several years. In its place, a 13-storey apartment block called “Stairway to the Sky Palace” will be built. The permit was granted by Mayor Erion Veliaj on 28 December 2019
This is the fourth building of its type being constructed in the narrow roads of Bllok. Nearby, the villa that was home to former nightlife spot “Dada” was recently demolished to make way for another multi-storey building. A few metres further down the road, the Blloku Cube multi-functional towerblock is currently being constructed.
The West Residence, another large complex is being constructed behind the President’s office.
Throughout Tirana, the Municipality has given permission for dozens of towers to be constructed. This has increased the amount of construction sites along the main streets and squares of the capital. One such development located behind the ETC centre has taken over space that was once home to Tirana’s largest and most historic children’s park.
Around 12 large towers are under construction at the moment with an average height of 20 floors, while many others are pending approval.