From: Exit News
Attempted Triple Suicide Claims Lives of Mother and Daughter in Tirana

A mother and daughter, 56 and 33 years old, have been found dead in their Kombinat home. Zh. J. and A. J. seem to have starved themselves to death, whereas the other daughter, 34-year old B. J., was sent to the ER in an aggravated condition.

When asked regarding the family’s possible reasons, the police representative Rebani Jaupi stated that religious materials were found in their home.

Several media outlets have speculated that the women were driven to attempt suicide by their belief that they would be resurrected after death. The police are further investigating the phones and computers found in their residence.

According to News24, a preemptive forensic report shows that A. J. had likely been dead for 15 months. Her body had mummified, and her mother and sister had tended to the body by wrapping her in fresh sheets daily, and anointing it in oils to slow decomposition.

The mother, Zh., had been dead for at least a week. 

The surviving daughter, B. J., has told the authorities that the family hadn’t eaten or drunk anything for 40 days due to their faith.

Another forensic report is expected to come out in 48 hours.

Zh.’s brother called the police on July 2, after not being able to reach his sister and her two daughters for 3 days.