Bulqiza, 4 Miners Injured in Recent Weeks

Another serious accident happened today in chrome mine “Bater Martanesh” in Bulqiza. A miner, 53 years old was injured while working in the gallery. He is recovering at Burreli’s hospital.

It is well known that miners in chrome mine in Bulqiza work under difficult and highly hazardous conditions, and this was never addressed by the public institutions, that should require technical disciplining of mining workings.

As a result of unsafe working conditions, in the few last months, seven miners have lost their lives and dozens more have been injured.

Despite the large number of the accidents that had occurred in the chrome mine of Bulqiza, none of the concession companies has been prosecuted these three years.

Since march 2017, hundreds of miners are protesting in Albania demanding a protected miners’ status, that has been promised for years, but remains stuck in parliament over a year now.

Now days the number of former and current workers in the mines is estimated to be around 8000. They are known to have the shortest lifespan when compared with other Albanian citizens, due to challenging conditions of working underground.