Candidates for New KLGj and KLP Announced

Yesterday the names of the candidates to be nominated by the magistrature for the High Judicial Council (KLGj) and High Prosecutorial Council (KLP) have been announced. Fourteen judges and sixteen prosecutors applied for the six available seats in the KLGj and KLP, respectively.

For each of the two new judicial institutions envisioned by the judicial reform there will be an additional five members: two members from the body of lawyers, two pedagogues from the field of law, and one member from civil society. The deadline for these applications is January 28.

In total both the KLGj and KLP will consist of eleven members. Meanwhile, the Constitutional Court still hasn’t passed a verdict on the constitutionality of the law regulating both institutions, after it was submitted by the Democratic Party.

These are the candidates for the KLGj:

  1. Medi Bici (High Court)
  2. Artan Zeneli (High Court)
  3. Ilir Toska (Court of Appeals)
  4. Besim Trezhnjeva (Court of Appeals)
  5. Nertina Kosova (Court of Appeals)
  6. Dritan Hallunaj (Court of First Instance, Serious Crimes)
  7. Manjola Xhaxho (Regional Court, Tirana)
  8. Artan Laze (Regional Court, Tirana)
  9. Alma Brati (Regional Court, Tirana)
  10. Astrit Faqolli (Regional Court, Tirana)
  11. Brunilda Kasmi (Regional Court, Tirana)
  12. Bledar Abdullai (Regional Court, Tirana)
  13. Brunilda Kadi (Regional Court, Tirana)
  14. Marcela Shehu (Regional Court, Kurbin)

Candidates for the KLP:

  1. Ramadan Troci (General Prosecution)
  2. Kostaq Beluri (General Prosecution)
  3. Anila Leka (General Prosecution)
  4. Luan Kaloci (Appeals Prosecution)
  5. Arben Dollapaj (Appeals Prosecution)
  6. Bujar Hoti (Appeals Prosecution)
  7. Dritan Rreshka (Prosecution of First Instance)
  8. Gentian Osmani (Prosecution of First Instance)
  9. Adriatik Cama (Prosecution of First Instance)
  10. Shpetim Kurti (Prosecution of First Instance)
  11. Arben Nela (Prosecution of First Instance)
  12. Antoneta Sevdari (Prosecution of First Instance)
  13. Besnik Muci (Prosecution of First Instance)
  14. Dritan Prenci (Prosecution of First Instance)
  15. Arta Marku (Prosecution of First Instance)
  16. Besnik Cani (Prosecution of First Instance)