Magistrates who have been dismissed by a final decision of the vetting bodies will lose the lawyer's license for five...

Magistrates who have been dismissed by a final decision of the vetting bodies will lose the lawyer's license for five...
The head of the Socialist Party. parliamentary group, Taulant Balla, said the government would invest $ 53m in justice reform...
The Central Election Commissions Chief Commissioner Ilirjan Celibashi has acknowledged the presence of dirty money in the financing of political...
The Special Anti-Corruption and Organized Crime Prosecution (SPAK) has decided not to initiate criminal proceedings against Brunilda Bekteshi, a member...
Albania’s High Court has started to examine cases after more than one year lacking a quorum. In an announcement on...
The High Prosecution Council will appoint the heads of the prosecution offices without them going through the vetting process. In...
The vetting process has been slow and non-transparent. These are two of the findings reported by the Albanian Helsinki Committee related to...
The High Judicial Council has dismissed Judge Shkëlqim Miri of the Tirana Appeals Court. The decision came at the request...
The Special Anti-Corruption and Organized Crime Court has decided to dismiss the case against the three judges who voted in...
The Special Appeals Chamber (KPA) has reinstated the former chair of the Shkodra Appeals Court, Fuat Vjerdha, by overturning the...