From: Die Morina van Uijtregt
Czech President’s Apology to Serbia Is a Personal View, Foreign Minister Says

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Jakup Kulhánek told Exit News that the apology issued to Serbia by the Czech President regarding the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the Kosovo war, was a “personal statement.”

Asked by Exit News on his stance about the statement made by President Milos Zeman, Kulhánek said that Western Balkan politics are complex.

“A long-term dialogue is needed to resolve not one, but dozens, if not hundreds of wrongdoings,” Kulhánek’s written answer states.

Kulhánek added that having “great” relations with Serbia, as they are today, is a crucial thing.

“Be it on the economic or political level. To a large extent, these current relations are great thanks to President Zeman and I appreciate that,” he said.

Earlier during the day, in a joint press conference held with Serbia’s President, Aleksandar Vučić, Zeman stated that NATO’s air campaign against the Serbian army had been “a mistake.”

“As a man, I would ask the Serbian people to forgive us. It [has] bothered me all the time,” Zeman said.

“Let me immediately say that I apologize for the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,” he reiterated.

The Czech Republic recognized Kosovo in May 2008, three months after the country declared its independence.

Kosovo was liberated from Serbia in June 1999, and declared its independence on February 17, 2008.

The Czech Republic opened its embassy in Prishtina in July 2008.