From: Exit News
Expert Resigns from Government Advisory Team on Pandemic over Political Influence on Doctors

Infectious disease doctor Tritan Kalo resigned on Thursday from the government advisory team on the COVID-19 pandemic, the so-called Technical Committee of Experts, citing political influences on doctors.

“March 4 marks the end of my official cooperation with this group […]” Kalo announced on Facebook.

He said that politics has “divided doctors in their attitudes and their contribution”

“We now have the simultaneous existence of three committees – official or not: first, that of the current government; second, that of the President / Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) party; and third, that of the Democratic Party, or the Opposition,” Kalo wrote.

Prime Minister Edi Rama later announced that the head of the advisory team, Najada Como, will run in the April 25 elections for the Socialist Party.

The government created the Technical Committee of Expert on January 21, 2020. Rama claims that his government considers their advice as decisions to be followed by the government.