From: Exit Staff
Half of Albanians Could not Afford Summer Holidays This Year per Latest Survey

Half of Albanians did go on summer holidays this year, and 91% of those who did, travelled domestically.

In August, Euronews Albania conducted 1,000 in-person interviews to understand Albanians’ habits and decisions with regards to their summer holidays.

One in ten Albanians responded they were vacationing only during the weekends, while one in two Albanians said they had not taken any summer holidays at all this year.

The survey found that roughly the majority of those who did not go on vacation are either retirees or low-income people.

About 30% of respondents said that they had already gone on holiday, while 9.6% said that “they will do so in the future.”

According to environmental activist Ened Mato, the insecurity caused by the pandemic is the main reason why half of Albanians did not take summer vacations this year.

Also because of the travel and financial restrictions imposed by the pandemic, 91% of Albanians stayed in Albania for their summer holidays, spending an average of 200 euros.

According to the survey, the average holiday was 9-days long and Albanian spent 22 euros per person.