From: Exit News
Joint Albania-Kosovo Government Meeting Postponed

A joint meeting of the governments of Kosovo and Albania in Shkoder was postponed by one week due to an important Kosovo parliament’s session falling on the same day.

On Wednesday, Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti announced that he had agreed regarding the postponement with Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama.

“Due to the session of the Assembly of Kosovo, we agreed with Prime Minister Rama that the joint meeting of our two governments, scheduled for this Friday, be held on October 2. I thank Prime Minister Rama for his understanding and our two teams for preparing the meeting,” Hoti stated on Facebook.

In 2014, at the initiative of prime ministers Edi Rama and Hashim Thaci, the two governments launched their first joint meeting in Prizren, Kosovo, one of the landmark cities of Albanian patriotism.

Agreements in several areas have been signed and promises have been made in several joint meetings since then but governments on both sides have complained of poor implementation.