From: Die Morina van Uijtregt
Kosovo Election Campaign with Violation of anti- COVID-19 Restriction and Provocative Language

After monitoring the three first days of the election campaign in Kosovo, Pristina- based NGO Democracy in Action found that political parties did not respect anti- COVID-19 measures imposed by institutions.

Jeta Krasniqi from Democracy in Action, said that during forty rallies in the three days, in most cases, distance and masks have not been taken into account.

“Democracy in Action strongly condemns the irresponsibility of political entities, which through their activities without considering the measures are endangering the health of citizens,” Krasniqi said while presenting the findings of the monitoring report.

She also pointed out that political entities are not respecting the law, when it comes to warning which activities will be held in a particular municipality, 24 hours in advance.

Krasniqi also highlighted the fact that in addition to talking about their electoral program, political parties used a provocative language about their opponents.

“The focus was on topics such as economic development, agriculture, health and education,” she added.

Democracy in Action also found out that during electoral gatherings there was a low participation of women, while conditions have not been created for the participation of people with special needs.

“The space offered to women to address the public is only 23 percent,” Krasniqi said.

They also criticized media for low representation of women in election debates, while announcing that the largest party, Vetevendosje is being given the most space.

Snap parliamentary elections in Kosovo are set to take place on February 14, while parties have ten days for election campaign.